About Us

Welcome to our class blog! This site will enable Room 10 children and their families to see what's been happening in our class. It also has links to many 'safe' educational sites. We hope you enjoy looking at our blog! We are an energetic and enthusiastic bunch of Year 5/6 students. There are 30 of us and we are learning to communicate online. Mrs. Wood is our teacher. She is originally from South Africa, lived on Waiheke Island for ten years and has now settled in sunny Nelson.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Narrative - THE DOOR
Written by Jewel, Tane, Thomas and Natasha

Sam closed the door and found himself surrounded by old folks. He could smell the fresh baked cookies being pulled out of the oven. He could imagine the old people longing for the cookies.

He suddenly remembered why he was at the rest home. He was dropping off a scarf for his grandma. When he finally found his grandma her looked at her in utter joy. He found the scarf in his bag and gave it lovingly to her, however he did not notice that she had put it back into his bag for him to use. In return she gave him a delicious chocolate chip cookie. He bit into the yummy cookie and took in the sweet aroma of it. He thanked his grandma and walked outside. The mountains looked like someone had sprinkled icing sugar on them during the night.

When he returned home he realised that the scarf was still in his bag. In a confused state he went back to the rest home to speak tho his grandma. He couldn't hear or see any of the old folk, he only heard the growling of a dog. He suddenly realised that it was Tuesday, bingo night! He set off to the bingo centre. Arriving there he found the revolving door spinning but no one there. He walked towards the counter, he shivered as the floor boards creaked behind him. Much to his surprise he heard growling from the counter. He noticed that it was the same dog he heard before. It was a vicious looking mongrel. It chased him all the way back to the rest home where he opened the door and closed it with a bang, panting.

He now was even more confused because all the old people were there. He walked up to his grandma and handed her the scarf.

He opened the door and closed it behind him...GRRRRRRR!!

Written by Luc, Kiaya, Sinead, Tahlia and Hadlee
Jordan closed the door. The cabin was stuffy with only two seats.  As he sat down in the pilot's seat he felt the rough leather under his hands.  He ignites the engine and the reliable whoosh of lift-off calms him.  Dust swirls around him as the hot Afghan sun reflects off the glass windows.  Through the dust he sees a dark shadow passing slowly by.  He quickly recognises the bright symbol of the United States Air Force.  The machine hovered close by and then through the crackling radio he managed to make out the pilot's voice, "This is our drop point.” 
Slowly he lowered the machine to the ground before hopping out with his AK47. Cautiously he moves across the terrain peering and sniffing into the brownish mist that surrounds him. Suddenly a machine-gun opens up fire and dirt goes flying.  Everyone dashes toward the nearest helicopter. ‘Ouch’, yells out someone in loads of pain.  Jordan realises that the person is his best friend!  After making a really quick decision Jordan raced out to his friend and started struggling to bring him back to the helicopters.  Before he reached safety a loud, horrifying scream pierced the air.  Blood oozed out from behind the helicoper followed by a USA Air Force pilot helmet.  Realising what had happened to his fellow recruits he stilled himself.  Sighting that his friend was dead he crawled away.  Rotors started turning and as Jordan recognised the sound of a copter taking off. He started running leaving his comrade alone.  
A couple of days later...
Jordan staggered onwards through the endless dessert, then his hopes were lifted as he saw an oasis only about a kilometre away, but a familiar thud dashed his hopes...they had found him.  Heat-seeking missiles chased him and as he jumped for the oasis he sank into the sinking sand.  The copter and missile roared past not noticing the helicopter nearby.  Jordan pulled himself out of the sand and raced for his helicopter and opened the hatch.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


We have had heaps of fun learning at the ASB AQUATIC CENTRE this week.  This is what a few of us think about it...
'It helps you get fit.' - Sinead
'It's really fun!' - Emily

'I think swimming is cool, we get to swim for two weeks!' - Max

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Enjoying a time out in the sun learning football skills.  Great effort and skills Room 10!