About Us

Welcome to our class blog! This site will enable Room 10 children and their families to see what's been happening in our class. It also has links to many 'safe' educational sites. We hope you enjoy looking at our blog! We are an energetic and enthusiastic bunch of Year 5/6 students. There are 30 of us and we are learning to communicate online. Mrs. Wood is our teacher. She is originally from South Africa, lived on Waiheke Island for ten years and has now settled in sunny Nelson.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Enjoying a time out in the sun learning football skills.  Great effort and skills Room 10!


  1. We like the fish that you must have put on your blog. We wonder how the programme works.
    Abby and Mikelti i Room 6

  2. We think that your fish are cool. We like that you can feed them and they follow you. Do you know how that works?
    Mitchell and Braden in Room 6
